Saturday, March 5, 2011

Q3 Blog 2

The top 2% of people in the world own more than 50% of all wealth. The concentration of such a vast magnitude of wealth has its obvious repercussions. As the saying goes “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” It is unacceptable for this broken system that resembles feudalism to continue any longer. It is unacceptable for over 50,000 people to die every day from the problem associated with poverty. It is unacceptable for the human race to suffer on such a large scale while a privileged few enjoy on such a large scale. It is even worse that the fortune of these privileged few has been built, to a large extent, on the metaphorical backs of the masses. In recent times a more subtle sort of economic exploitation of the masses can be seen rather than physically obvious exploitation. In other words, the slavery of chains has been replaced by the slavery of debt. As caring human beings we simply cannot let this broken system continue any longer. If we truly care about our fellow peoples’ lives then we must surely change this. The method that I propose is Communism. Now, before you turn away in disgust at the simple notion of this let me remind you that the countries that have claimed to be communist and the countries that continue to claim to be communist are not truly communist. China, for example is definitely not communist as it has several private corporations within its borders. The Soviet Union was to a great extent communist but the corruption within the communist government ultimately led to its demise as government officials and government workers would get bigger apartments. However, the Soviet Union did in fact show several communist ideals. The main ideal of equality, both economically and socially, was exemplified in the Soviet Union’s space program because the space program was very open to blacks joining. This was so because in the Soviet Union they were not designated as “blacks” they were designated as “comrades.” Communism in today’s society could be incredibly successful because of the incredibly advanced technology we hold. Crops could be genetically engineered to grow quicker because of government funding of the sciences which would in turn feed millions that are currently starving to death as you read this. Carbon Dioxide and methane emissions would be greatly reduced as factories turned to nuclear energy for power. To run the government well there would be a board similar in theory to the “Brain Trust” created by FDR this board would consists of 100 of the world’s most intelligent people to run the world. These people would be selected to lead the country as they exhibited qualities of leadership and logic early in childhood and would then be lead to an education focused on problem solving. In short this argument can be summed up in this way:
People value life.
Capitalism destroys life.
Therefore, people should abolish Capitalism.
Communism would bring a prosperous life to all.
People should lead a prosperous life.
Therefore, people should adopt a communist society.

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