Monday, December 13, 2010

Blog #7: Compare and Contrast

My purpose would be to show how even though both are run by the same officials, the extreme differences in wealth show a hypocrisy of the church.
Sample thesis: Although both churches are run by the same officials, the extreme differences in wealth between the churches reveal a hypocritical juxtaposition between the church's claims of helping the poor and what kind of churches it builds for the poor.
Key points:1) Difference in wealth 2) Difference of location of churches
Organization: Subject by subject

Blog #6: Working Definitions

For this blog I shall define the word genius through definition by negation, definition by history, definition by example, and definition by compare and contrast.
To begin we can define the word genius through definition by history. Its original meaning was a guiding spirit. It could also be applied to a talent in a specific field. In modern times, the word means high intellectual ability and is currently undergoing a change back to its original meaning of talent in a specific field. For example, "He's a genius at remodeling!" To define by example I can use the most famous genius in modern times who is Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein was a genius in both definitions because he had a high intellect and he also led a revolution and positively influenced his field. For definition by negation we can use the average person in a society. The person that contributes nothing novel and only contributes his/her ability as work. Also to define the word genius we can define by history. Finally for definition by compare and contrast I can compare a genius to a savant. The difference is that while both the savant and the genius\ have a high capacity for memorization, the savant can merely repeat the information while the genius understands the information's significance and can make interesting and novel connections.